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Jaw Slimming

Seeking a slimmer appearance for your facial shape? This is now achievable with jaw slimming, a non-invasive procedure. Jaw slimming offers an effective solution for those seeking to reduce the squareness of the jaw. Resulting in an “upside triangle” or “V” shake, this treatment produces a more youthful, aesthetically pleasing facial appearance. It also helps alleviate any pain or tension experienced in the jaw area.

–  Treatment takes 10-30 minutes.
–  Consultation takes 15-45 minutes.

– Results visible within 1 week.
– Treatment lasts 4 to 8 months.

– $449

How it works

The squareness of the jaw can be reduced by injecting muscle relaxants such as Botox into the lower muscle of the face, the masseter muscle. This results in a softer facial shape. In addition, this treatment can also serve to help those suffering from jaw pain and headaches resulting from teeth grinding and jaw tension.


  • For the first 24 hours, avoid exercising or applying pressure to the injection site.
  • Any mild pain, swelling, bruising or redness experienced can be treated by using a cold compress and taking over-the-counter pain medications.

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